Donating to Organizations that Make Summer Camp Happen!

Will the well run dry when it comes to providing free and discounted scholarships to the growing number of summer time campers? Doesn't appear that way! That's good because going to summer camp is an experience that all children should be able to partake in. With private camps being as expensive as they are, you'd figure that only a small percentage of kids and teens get to go. However, some of these camps offer a limited number of scholarships and/or financial aid. Non-profit camps, like religiously based ones or agency run camps are more prolific than privately run summer camps. These camps depend largely on donations.

Camp program donations

Thanks to the continuous generosity of public and private donations, children from all economic backgrounds have the opportunity to go to camp if they want to. This includes children with special needs. National organizations like the YMCA have local chapters throughout the country. The YMCA has been promoting camping since 1885 and is a great example of an organization that been raising money to, as their logo says, "build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities."

Many donations for summer camp are made from camp alumni or those involved with youth. Thanks to the continuing support for camps, it seems that this American institution will continue to provide an educational and empowering experience for kids, youth and teens.

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