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Author (left) on visiting day,
1974 Camp White Oaks

One of the nicest things you can do for your child is to send him or her away to an overnight summer camp. If your child is a teen and past the age of "camper," (maybe 15, 16, 17) take a look at some of the summer programs for teens. As a veteran camper with 9 summers away at sleepaway camp, and then the following 2 teen summers studying abroad and at summer school, I speak from experience.

From age 7 to 15, (1973 to 1981) I spent 8 weeks away at a traditional summer camp in Upstate New York's Catskill Mountains. My camp, Camp White Oaks, retired itself in the mid 90's, but left a legacy of alumni who can't wait till the next camp reunion - me too!

Of course, sleepaway camps have gradually changed since I was a camper. Private camps have grown to be considerably more expensive and most parents can't afford to send their children or teens away for an entire summer. And with so many double income earners, many families look forward to spending time together during the summer, (either on vacation or at home) and want to send their kids to camp for shorter stays. According to Paul Krouner, Director of Camp Schodack in Upstate NY, "kids often times have to convince their parents to send them to camp for longer stays."

But the experiences of summer camp are timeless. Sure the A through Z of specialty theme oriented camps from rock climbing to wilderness camps were not around when I was a camper. Private camps also didn't cost $800 to $1600 per week: I certainly wouldn't have gone for 8 weeks each summer if they did.

But the reality is that's why you can find an overnight summer camp program that lasts 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks - and up to 10 weeks. If you are beginning the search for a summer camp or teen summer program take a look at our site. Consider us the camp and summer opportunities 101. We have lots of informative articles, links to important online resources, an online camp store and bookstore.



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